Quantum Theatre, known for its groundbreaking, peripatetic approach, presents the second in a season celebrating 25 years of making work in Pittsburgh: Chickens in the Yard.
Chickens in the Yard is produced through The Gerri Kay New Voices Program, honoring a longtime board member and supporter Gerri Kay by welcoming developing theatre artists once annually into the Quantum laboratory to create a work that furthers their artistry and careers while introducing them to Quantum’s aesthetic principles and generously-spirited audience.
The company has welcomed the Hatch Arts Collective (director Adil Mansoor, writer Paul Kruse, and producer Nicole Shero) into the Quantum laboratory to create this innovative play, and is pleased to introduce them to its audience.
Chickens in the Yard tells the story of a family through the eyes of their four chickens. Set in Pittsburgh, it offers a Rubik’s Cube of struggling individuals and fragile couples, whose relationships gel into surprising strength. The play explores what a gay identity means for two people journeying from the families that raised them to the family they choose to create together.
Javo Studios in Lawrenceville provides the coop, with designers Britton Mauk (scenic), Patrick Hayes (lighting), Jenn Gooch (costume), and David Bielewicz (sound). Starring: Laurie Klatscher, Siovhan Christensen, Joseph McGranaghan, and Alec Silberblatt, with original music performed live by Morgan Erina and Ginger Brooks Takahashi.
Founded in 2012, Hatch Arts Collective is a multidisciplinary theater organization based in Pittsburgh, PA. Hatch gathers artist communities to create performance and media-based work. Chickens in the Yard premiered in June 2013. Hatch also produced two collaborative theater–making intensives, and Walldogs, an evening-length play which premiered in August 2014.