Reviewed by Dr. Tiffany Knight Raymond, PhD
The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust and Liberty Magic kick off 2025 with magician Francis Menotti in Sisyphus and Siri. If Menotti’s show is a leading indicator, 2025 is set to be epic.
Magic is not often enough considered an art form. A well-performed magic show creates moments of awe, and this emotional response makes magic an art. Menotti elevates magic with a show that’s studded with moments of wow and wonder but also layers on a cyclical, meta performance. The show opens with him sprawled dead on the stage floor. Rows of audience seating rise up from the stage, looming above him. The show works back Memento-style to his death.
The Greek gods punished Sisyphus by cursing him to an eternal fate of rolling a boulder up a hill only to have it roll back down again. Futility is a relatable human experience. Menotti pairs Sisyphus with the modern all-knowing tech goddess, Siri. For anyone who’s tried to use this voice agent, it can feel Sisyphean to get “her” to understand what you’re saying as you enunciate and then overenunciate. Menotti’s Siri works flawlessly, which is perhaps the only flaw in his show.

Siri is most successful when she takes over the show during Menotti’s union-mandated break during the show. She engages with a volunteer audience member called to the stage. While Siri’s role is obviously pre-recorded, what’s striking is how well it works. Situational human behavior is so predictable that a pre-recorded electronic communication works, regardless of the individual human onstage. That being said, it is the humans in partnership with technology that create the wow factor, so Siri isn’t quite ready to own center stage.
One of Menotti’s key themes is about creating coincidences. He relies heavily on audience participation, making it a very interactive show. Menotti has a lively, agile presence. He uses an array of props and pulls in a diverse range of audience members and has impressive name recall. As an attendee, chances are high you may get to interact with the show, and Menotti ensures everyone has fun and feels safe.
The onstage presence of audience members who are “checking” Menotti’s work and participating in the show heightens authenticity. Making connections among strangers becomes part of the magic of creating coincidences that remind us that the world is full of awe, and part of the magic of magic is letting yourself be immersed and experiencing it fully.
-TKR, Ph. D.
The magic of Francis Menotti in Sisyphus and Siri runs through February 2, 2025 at Liberty Magic (811 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA). Purchase tickets online at