Every week we shake things up with five fun things to do in Pittsburgh. This week’s list features a lot of local talent. Here are the top recommendations for having fun in the ‘Burgh (with an extra special bonus track).
Can You Feel The Love Tonight?
Get your pride together and head down to the Benedum for “The Lion King.”
The 1994 Disney animated movie made its leap to the stage in 1997 and is now one of the top five longest running shows on Broadway. Thanks to Julie Taymor’s incredible theatrical vision. Be warned: the songs will stick in your head. I had “Hakuna Matata” lodged in my Medulla Oblongata for years.
If you just can’t wait to be king, head down to the Benedum Center between September 3 and 29. The Benedum is located at 719 Liberty Avenue, Downtown Pittsburgh. Call 412-456-6666 or click www.pgharts.org
In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle
If you missed your chance to have a tropical vacation this summer, you can still party in the tropics right in your own backyard. Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens is hosting “Party in the Tropics.” It’s a hot ticket, and not just because you can dance in a rain forest. Enjoy a cocktail or tour the vast and various rooms of the botanical wonderland.
It’s a lush life Friday night September 6, at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, One Schenley Park, Pittsburgh. Call 412-622-6914 or visit www.phipps.conservatory.org
Girls Just Want to Have Fun
Debbie isn’t the only one preoccupied with 1985. Missy Moreno is still spending a lot a time there. She has seen all the classics and knows all the lines. Missy and her friends will perform sketch and improv comedy at the Arcade Comedy Theater, downtown.
Missy is one of the funniest people in Pittsburgh, she will be bringing back Springsteen, Madonna and the rest of our friends from that bygone era in “Missy Moreno & Friends: I Love the 80s.” That 80s show runs September 6 -7 at the Arcade Comedy Theater, 811 Liberty Avenue, Downtown Pittsburgh. For more info click here. www.arcadecomedytheater.com
My Fifteen Minutes of Fame, I want it, I want it
“Make it gay. Make it gay. Make it gay!” The Andy Warhol Museum is celebrating Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ community through pictures with Caldwell Linker’s “All Through the Night.” Caldwell Linker, a resident of Pittsburgh since 2007, reveals an intimate portrait of Pittsburgh’s vibrant gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans communities through photography. The exhibit features local drag queens, house parties, and simple afternoons on the porch.
On September 7, Caldwell Linker will be part of the TransQ event at the Warhol. Host Janet Granite will bring out a variety of guests for an evening of queer dance, stand-up, stories, fantasies, music and more for the Dadaist Variety Show. Put Sonny and Cher, Sesame Street, Andy Warhol’s TV, Ernie Kovacs, Pee Wee’s Playhouse and Wigstock in a blender and hit frappe.
Then, after watching that weirdness, head over to the after-party at HONCHO, 1139 Penn Ave. from 12 a.m. to 5 a.m.
It’s a snap to get over to the Andy Warhol Museum, 117 Sandusky Street, Pittsburgh, PA. For more information click: www.warhol.org and check out their calendar section.
Brand Spanking New
Catch the opening night of the Pittsburgh New Works Festival at Thursday September 5. A bunch of new plays written (mostly) by local writers make their world debut. Meet the playwrights and you have a chance to say, “I knew her (or him) when…” You will also have a chance to meet the creator and contributors to this very website.
Opening night promises to be a hoot and a half with food, drinks and prize packages.
The festival runs all month at the Off the Wall Theater, 24 W. Main Street in Carnegie. For more information call 412-944-2639.
Bonus Track
If you Combine elements of “The Sandlot” and “A Christmas Story,” mix in Roberto Clemente and the Pirates, and you have “The Great One.” Three of the Pittsburgh area’s finest actresses, Karen Baum, Dana Hardy and Adrienne Wehr will participate in this one-woman show. Each actress will read one of three acts.
Local screenwriter Russ Babines has converted his feature length film script into a play, which incorporates themes of family, friendship, and redemption. The event (Sunday September 8 at 7:00 p.m.) is brought to you by the Carnegie Screenwriters and the Carnegie Arts initiative at the 3rd Street Gallery in Carnegie, 220 Third Street, Carnegie, PA.
For more details go to www.facebook.com/events/159208227609153/?fref=ts
– MB.