What do Lou Reed, Davy Jones, and Donna Karan have in common? They’ve all been entertained by Nina and Peter Khan of The Elite Show Band! This class act is based in Pittsburgh and has traveled the world – but has it prepared them for the xylophone stylings of host Brian Edward? This episode has it all: a love story, an impromptu musical number, and the answer to what to do when Salma Hayek asks you to play Bruce Springsteen. Listen to “The Full Martini” – the complete, unedited interview in audio podcast to learn the trials of traveling parents, just who were “Rocks & Candy,” and what exactly Florence Henderson is the godmother of. PLUS: Rex Reed – Peter drops his name, but just what did Mr. Reed drop??
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LOVE….LOVE…..LOVE…… the interview with Peter and Nina (2 of my most favorite people)!!!!!! They are FAB-U-LOUS!!!!!!!